IRP lance un canal YouTube!

 -  Beschikbaar in: Nederlands Nederlands Nederlands

IRP a choisi de lancer un canal média sur Youtube. On peut y visionner des vidéos concernant tous les projets BIMkeeper/BIMBMS, notamment:

- Vidéos de présentation

- Vidéos de démonstration didactique

- Points forts des projets

Le lien vers le canal YouTube: IRP Media - YouTube


Recente berichten

Design your own home with BIMkeeper
Integration Netherlands in 3D with IFC and solar study
The communication tool in BIMkeeper
BIMLegal - prize winning idea was developed by IRP
IRP introduces real-time 2D and 3D navigation
BIMkeeper app for tenants & companies
From 3D to 2D and back & other visualisation improvements
One-stop shop for all revisions of your CAD/BIM drawings
BIM does not have just to be blocks and plates
BIM for all: 3D web visualization of element categories
Maintenance planning (LTMP) for portfolio now available
Revisions: IRP visualizes differences of IFC files in 3D
BIMLegal wins prize for making info easy accessible.
Redesigning your office in 3D. We made it very simple
Happy 2021: with Design options challenge.
New project Proeftuin Erasmusveld in sale!
Innovation: Informations l�gales visibles dans le mod�le 3D
Strong movie Residential configurator. What BIM can do!
New interface for overruling IFC information
New: Surface and Point-to-point Measurement in a BIM model
Circular Construction: Material passport
Informations en temps r�el sur l'utilisation des biens immob
ISO 19650 Launch. What to expect.
BIMkeeper simule l?ensoleillement dans le viewer 3D.
Management and revisons of BIM models made easy
We have developed a project management tool for BIM
Our BIM technology used for sale appartments
EU: General Data Protection Regulation
The future: Repair requests directly from the 3D BIM viewer
Notre nouveau visualiseur BIM est tres rapide
IRP changed Terms of Service.
New BIM project upload interface
IRP lance un canal YouTube!